Girl withToilette01

Company Logos Toilet paper

Your Custom Corporate Logo Printed on every sheet throughout the whole roll. A great way to advertise your unique slogan in your corporate colors!


Want to get your name out? Advertising for a special event? A novel gift which won’t be easily forgotten? Make your name a household word! Your company logo on toilet paper or hand towels is the quickest way to do it. There is no better way to say “professional” then to have your company’s bathroom filled with your logo on toilet paper and paper towel.              Great for hotels and casinos.

Price: $10.00 per roll  minimum order: 15 rolls

We can custom design your printed toilet paper from a business card, letterhead or any graphic you supply. We can also print your logo or slogan any way you want. We can print using any one of our standard colored inks or match your PMS color. For an outstanding giveaway or promotional item custom corporate TP is what you want to order. Please send a copy to us by Mac or Windows floppy, CD, Zip, PSD, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PDF or JPG. You can also send a hard copy to our mailing address below. You image resolution must be at least 300 dpi at our standard printed size of 3.5” wide for acceptable reproduction

Web Design

25 Rolls

40 Rolls

80 Rolls

120 Rolls

$9.00 ea.

$8.50 ea.

$8.00 ea.

$7.50 ea.

- See our page for ordering information or email us at- Info@propaperproducts.com

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Pro Paper Products
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